The Sunday before last, Julie, Jon and I took the all the children to the Zoo in Tipon. Tipon is east of Cusco and west of Oropesa. A half hour walk on dirt roads, the scenery is breathtaking as you can see the patchwork of farmer's fields and water racing down home-made canals. Spindly cacti grew towards the sky beside our path and the temptation to pick their fruit was overwhelming and I learnt first-hand the Spanish word for spines. The red "tuna" was covered in unseen "espinas" and I spent days picking them out of my hand.
At the zoo ( also known as an animal reserve) we saw many weird and amazing animals. The animal lover in me, of course, felt sick when I saw the incredibly small cages.
Spider Monkey |
Fox |
The Famous Condor |
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle
Puma |
I hope this means you're not sick anymore! Keep healthy and we lot eyou