Azul Wasi

Azul Wasi is located about 45 minutes from Cusco.  My first impression was that Azul Wasi is a farm, hens and chicks run around pecking the grass while the rooster continues to let them know who is boss. There are three dogs, two large white ones and the little grey yappy one, Pinky, who delights in waking us up at night by barking at everything that moves.The boys ages range from 6-19 ( one just had a birthday). In the morning the younger boys go to school while the older ones do their daily chores and finish homework before they go at 1230pm. We help the boys with their homework each afternoon and morning then play games with them if they don't want to watch TV. Their chores include washing the floor of the library, ( if you could call it a library with the small amount of books there), watering the plants in the greenhouse, cleaning out the bathrooms, and picking up chicken poop.

When we were staying at the orphanage ( now we are in a hotel) I felt like we were camping, because it got soo cold at night. There is no insulation or heat in the room we were staying in so we wore about 3 layers of clothes before we huddled under the alpaca blankets. Once we were warm, we stay ed perfectly comfortable all night under the heavy blankets. They are amazing how they keep the heat in. There is electricity and internet! ( it was not working before).

The Kitchen is simple with a fridge that is barely cool enough. The food is cooked in ancient pots on a propane stove. There is huge clay oven in the back but I have never seen it in use.

Around the orphanage are fields that are tilled by hand, we really are in the countryside.


  1. such innocent much beauty surrounding close to God


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