The Dentist...yay?

On to the next step...the dentist. Yes, the dentist. You know, as a teenager I didn't like the dentist, mainly because every time I went, the dentist seemed to be having way more fun than me. From having my wisdom teeth being pulled while being wide awake, to having several cavities filled at once, the dentist experience for me has been a crude reminder that I need to take care of my teeth, and so I have.

Dana takes good care of her teeth too. But having perfectly straight and wonderfully aligned teeth means that a little cavity now and then only makes things fair. Dana was first to receive treatment this time. And low-and-behold, a tiny cavity had found it's way into one of her little choppers and started making a comfortable chateau within. This of course did not deter Dana, always being one up for adventure, even if it means allowing the hands of a total stranger clenching a high-speed drill into her mouth.

I wasn't there to witness it all but as you can see from the pictures, the event was hardly an affliction. That's one of the things I love about Dana, always smiling, even at the dentist; I didn't even think to take pictures of my trip to the tooth doctor. You really didn't miss much from me though, since all they did was take a chisel and spent an hour scraping all the scaling off and then gave them a nice little polish. They even gave me a tiny plastic bag of surprises for being so good.

Dentist visit...check!


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